2009, New York, Vancouver, Birmingham
I Hate Her. I Hate Her.
(The true tale of a man's life, his decline, and fictional redemption.)
19 mud puppets, custom made stage and lighting, stools, musical instruments, script stands, scripts, performers
Commissioned by Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art

Puppet play written by the artists and performed by New York puppeteers Rich Pulito and Artie Poore.
Arthur H. Poore is the founder of the Dreamlike Puppet Co. Forty-nine years a puppeteer, and a New York City Firefighter 1981 through to 2004. Richard D. Pulito is the creator and producer of an original puppetry show called Freedom News Nation, where he expresses himself through political comedy and satire. As founders of an artists collaborative called The Triad, Arthur and Rich have worked together in the arts for the past thirty-seven years.
Photographers’ credits
All images_ Ivan Morison
All images_ Ivan Morison