Falling into Place
Available through BOOK WORKS
Printed offset in an edition of 1,500 copies, colour and b/w throughout,
144 pages, soft cover, with dust jacket with gold blocking
216 x 157mm
ISBN 978 1 906012 09 0

Falling Into Place is the eighth in a series of co-publishing partnerships, entitled Fabrications, commissioned by Book Works. Published with the generous support of the Arts Council England, the University of the West of England, and The Henry Moore Foundation. The title was initiated during the artists' RSA Arts and Ecology residency in 2007, supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and organised by Situations at UWE. Falling into Place forms a parallel publication to the Black Cloud, commissioned by Situations, for Victoria Park, Bristol, 2009.
Artists Heather and Ivan Morison bring together a recent body of work, incorporating a range of shelters and escape vehicles in a narrative that is part science fiction, part history, part autobiography, part fairytale.
Falling into Place tells of a world after an unspecified but high-impact event that has displaced people and caused those who survived to reassess how to live their lives from then on. Referencing a dystopian poignant wake-up call, bound in an engrossing novella that offers an extraordinary insight into a rich and intriguing artistic practice.
Falling into Place tells of a world after an unspecified but high-impact event that has displaced people and caused those who survived to reassess how to live their lives from then on. Referencing a dystopian poignant wake-up call, bound in an engrossing novella that offers an extraordinary insight into a rich and intriguing artistic practice.
Editor: Gerrie van Noord.
Design: A Practice for Everyday Life. Printing and binding: Push.